Square Eddy Rafts 2022
Square Eddy Expeditions has been working continually to try to dial in our fleet of boats throughout our first 10 years of existence. We have a huge variation in water that comes through our local waterways and it’s important that our boats are ready to go whenever and whatever the water level may be doing that particular river day! We are also built for comfort so it’s another reason to have as much diversity as possible within! We have been showcasing the Aire D series which we have Luna which is a 130 D, Stafford which is a 143 D, Mamacita which is a 156 D series. Meade is a 143 R which really brings the SEE options together. Everett is a Hyside 14′ XT Outfitter series and this boat I would take anywhere big water Moose or big Water Hudson for sure super solid in big environments and comfortable with positive space. Our gear boat for our raft supported hikes (HIRO) and overnights is a Sotar 14′ custom st cataraft which brings support options for us hikers and campers as we continue to explore The Hudson River Gorge “Come find your own peace of nature”

SEE fleet of rafts 2022