Square Eddy Expeditions
We are a small adventure company located on Main Street in North Creek, NY.
We offer our original Hike in – Raft out adventure, full day and overnight whitewater rafting trips on the upper Hudson River, far upstream of New York City, in the beautiful Adirondack Mountains.
We offer an incredibly scenic wilderness trip that includes an extensive safety talk by a New York State licensed guide, a hearty lunch, gear, consistent class II & III rapids (with some class IV rapids when mother nature cooperates) and most of all, plenty of “laugh out loud fun!”
Need more? Check out our Trip Advisor reviews!
Who's Eddy?
Well.. he isn’t a guy selling stereos on the street of New York! Square Eddy is a place on the Upper Hudson River. An “eddy” is a calm spot out of the main channel, behind a rock, or after a rapid where the water is calm and the river slowly re-circulates upstream.
At Square Eddy on The Hudson River the water is calm after the Osprey’s Nest rapid as it flows through an area that is almost square before it drops down into Carter’s Landing.
The old time loggers were running logs down these rivers way before any of us rafters got here, and they had common sense names for different sections of the river. Cedar Ledge is a section right at the confluence of The Indian and Hudson Rivers where cedar trees grow right out of the rock. The Narrows is the section where the river channel is deep in a gorge and drops through some of the best whitewater in the east.
There are many old time names that have stuck, you’ll just have to come out and see where they are for yourself. Just remember “Eddy” isn’t that really cool climber you met at the gym last week…

SEE Guides & Crew
Lori Phoebe Benton
Guide #406Lori Phoebe is a 30+ year raft guide on the Hudson River Gorge. There is no greater joy for her than owning Square Eddy Expeditions and serving her guests hearty homemade food made from mostly organic and some local ingredients. She still loves guiding every trip, surfing her raft and seeing the joy reflected in everyone’s faces.
She is also a Licensed Massage Therapist for 20+ years, and travels all over the Adirondacks and beyond delivering nurturing and therapeutic massages. Trained in New Mexico by the best of the best she is grateful for all these years of sharing the incredible gift of massage.
Living in Indian Lake, NY she loves to back country ski with her dogs Ted and Ida, tele-mark ski, and explore the outdoors any way she can. Making syrup in the back yard in spring, splitting wood to heat her small humble home on Casey Mountain, singing, reading, writing, wild crafting, planting vegetables, and most of all eating fresh food.
Cooking is a long time passion. Being mostly plant based and using whole foods to create new WFPB dishes has released a creativity in her that far surpasses any other time in her life. For health reasons she has spent the last few years wheat free, dairy free, egg free, corn free, canola free, citric acid, and natural flavoring free. Besides of course all the artificial flavoring and msg, in all its disguises free. Free!!
At 50+ years she is thriving in health and energy and wants to sing out loud and share this great life with you at her lifelong home in the Adirondack Mountains.
Linc Marsac
Guide# 5259Season eight of Square Eddy Expeditions. It’s been a journey to find the Adirondacks and what a positive and powerful find. I’ve always had an appreciation for life however life outdoors I find fascinating. Guide #5259 puts my rookie season on the river Spring of 2008. Solid training, good water and local community vibe quickly led to a PO Box in North Creek. A rekindled appreciation for seasonal change has led to a life of working outside. Gore Mountain is our local ski center and that’s where you can find me in the winter. My role at Gore is working with NYSEF who hosts Alpine ski racing & Freeride jams. I’ve always been a sports fan growing up just south of Boston so NYSEF has been a great match. I’ve always had respect and a relationship with water and am beyond fortunate to have had water as a valuable of part of life from the beginning, it’s just been predominantly salt. To have found the fresh, clean, dark, rich tannin waters of the Central Adirondacks now fuels my spirit. Our original Hike in – Raft out adventure throughout the Hudson River Gorge is an adventure that I can’t get enough of and one of the many things that brings me peace & happiness. I’m proud to be part of the SEE team.
Julie West
Guide# 3017Julie is a long time Hudson River Raft Guide, but her real job is a home school science teacher, teaching on line to children all over the world.
She owns an old farm house in North River NY where she is a master gardener growing vegetables that she eats and stores for winter.
Julie has raised 3 children, all born at home and home schooled into brilliant people with very skilled occupations.
Julie is our local Nordic ski race coach and has been a ski skate instructor for many years. She loves to recreate and exercise in the extreme; back country ski touring, backpacking across Great Britain, multi-day sea kayaking, taking long distance road bike trips. She regularly swims the length of 13th Lake and runs uphill just for fun. The list goes on and on; she enjoys travel, has rowed the Grand Canyon, and goes to India to teach English, Alaska to teach skiing plus so much more.
Julie also enjoys quiet days at home in the Adirondacks, stacking wood, cooking meals, and dabbling on the mandolin.
Julia Rose
Guide # 8022In Julia Rose’s short life she has accomplished many things besides being a top notch Square Eddy trained whitewater raft guide. A passion for music, she plays multiple instruments, is a creator of music videos and a singer/song writer.
She has spent time teaching/counseling children in the woods, hiking the AT and in winter she works as a ski Patrol at Killington. Living in Rutland VT her other interests are eating healthy food and designing small beautiful spaces to live in, even if part of the time that means the back of her Subaru.
Come spend a day on Julia Rose’s raft for a day of creative fun. She is an adventuring musician, her infectious bubbly energy and stories about the local lands will leave you with a day to remember.
Peter Nightingale
Guide # 7734Peter is a solid outdoorsmen and always up for an adventure. He loves to hike, camp, boat, telemark ski in the back country or will take a ride in the Adirondack and Catskill woods which are both areas that he knows like the back of his hand. An ace navigator he is always great to have on any adventure.
Being an avid reader makes him a wealth of information in a wide array of world topics which makes for interesting conversation on and off the river.
A skilled carpenter by trade he works for himself in the New Paltz NY area but between projects you can find him guiding way up-state for Square Eddy Expeditions on the Hudson River.
Donna Hier
Guide # 2755Donna is a part time raft guide for Square Eddy Expeditions. She started guiding on the Hudson River as a mother of 4 young children, all grown now, she has 20+ years in the business.
She is a mystical healer by trade specializing in meditation to the deeper realms of the soul, being also a very talented licensed massage therapist, reiki master and artist in many forms.
A lover of animals, she loves hiking with and walking in the woods with her 90 pound dog Maverick, alpine skiing in the winter and is equally comfortable being outdoors or tucked in watching movies with her cats.
She has an incredible passion to see the world and has traveled to many locations around the globe to immerse herself in different cultures.
Jeanine Newell
Guide # 5215Jeanine is an Action Sports Photographer, skateboard enthusiast and instructor, snow boarder, kayaker, with a new found passion for blowing glass.
She lives in Colorado now but has spent many days working for Square Eddy in the past, as a go to raft guide. Even now she travels cross country and spends a few good days at home on the Hudson River on her way to shoot senior photos in Boston.
Melody Thomas
Mel is an all-round artist and Square Eddy’s Whitewater Photographer. She can often be seen out on the river in bare feet, and feathers in her long blond hair rowing her little green cataraft, always at the ready to hop on shore, camera in hand to catch the action in photos, for sale at the end of our fun filled days.
When not on the river Mel works at home in Lake Placid or in California part time, creating amazing silver jewelry that compares to no other and amazing pottery that you can find at Square Eddy Expeditions.
Joseph Benton
Joe is a Square Eddy Boatman, going with the flow. He helps out whenever he can moving gear for our Hike In-Raft Out and Overnights.
Joseph is hardworking ole’ Adirondacker from Indian Lake, NY. He is an amazing and knowledgeable gardener of flowers, trees and food. He forages for mushrooms and some other wild foods, loves to fish, and alpine ski in winter. He is a master sawyer, cutting and processing trees, trimming apple trees and landscaping are some of his other professions.
You can spot Joseph out on the river wearing his straw hat, rolling and smoking his own cigs, fishing and rowing gear all at the same time somedays. He often tells folks “They pay me to go down that river…”